VW Meet and Cruise Night
Date: 10/05/2015
October 09, 2015 - VW Meet and Cruise Night Pasadena, California |
Stadt Der Rosen is an active VW Klub that was established in 2009 in the City of Pasadena CA.
Our meetings are open to all VW enthusiasts, when visiting please keep in mind that our family friendly atmosphere is very important to us... Drugs and alcohol are NOT ALLOWED.
We are a close group of VW enthusiasts that meet up every Friday Night at our local club spot and participate in all mayor VW shows and events.
Our Friday night meetings go from 7:00 to 9:30 pm at:
The Original Tommy's
170 N Hill Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91106
check out our Members and Visitor photo albums at:
For more info contact us at:
- (626) 497-4209
- elias_mena_@hotmail.com